Engelske Collin Surrell fra Script Consultancy holder to dagers workshop i hvordan du utvikler, klargjør og selger dine filmhistorier.

Pris: Kun 750,- inkludert lunsj.

Tid: Tirsdag 6. september og Onsdag 7. september

Klokkeslett.: 9-17.

Sted: Total, Stoltenbergs gata 46, Tønsberg


Påmelding: www.vestfoldfilmforum.no




Becoming a Screenwriter

An Introduction to screenwriting; Why become a writer and what level of commitment is required to succeed. 

Developing Your Voice

Techniques to understand and build your own personal voice. What fascinates you, your strengths, useful experiences you can use, discover the unique story that is already inside you. 

History of Dramaturgy

We discuss the essence of story and its function in society, from Aristotle to the modern 90-minute movie we know today. 

Knowing your Audience

They decide the success of your movie; we will help you identify the audience you want to write for and ensure you communicate to them as clearly as possible. 

The Unique High Concept

We make sure your movie has a hook, or catchy premise, that will be written on the billboard to draw audiences into the cinema. 

Identifying Theme

This is what your film is really about, the message that the audience takes away, and why they urge their friends to go and see it.  


Understanding Genre; An essential framework, which positions your film in the market, we analyze all the major genres and reveal, which are most successful for first time writers. 

Plot Structure

The essential tool for communicating story, we explain the major events driving a story forward and propelling the audience to the climax. 


Hierarchy of Characters

Learn to clearly identify your hero and your villain, and discover the other interesting characters that enrich screen stories. 

Segments and Sequences

See how eight short films make a feature, each with a beginning, middle and end, and a hook to pull the audience through to the next stage.


Sensational Scenes

The events that make up the meat of your film; We show you how to make scenes dramatic so that the events have a causal relationship and build in tension. 

Writing Outlines and Treatments

To sell your movie, you will need some form of summation of your story essential for submission to producers and funding bodies, also the best way to clarify your ideas before committing precious time and energy to a full script. 

Screenplay Style and Format

How to recreate the movie experience on the page, essential for attracting interest from a film company who will want to read your script before getting involved any further. Film companies will not even look at your script if it is formatted incorrectly - do not let all your hard work go to waste. 

Devastating Dialogue

If characters spoke in films as we speak in real life, we would be asleep in minutes. We will teach you handy techniques for writing dialogue that leaps off the page.


The Perfect Pitch

It is crucial to be able to present your story in a concise and dramatic way. This prepares you for professional meetings and enables you to practice your idea quickly and effectively. 

Selling Your Script

Now you have a finished script you are ready to go out and sell it. Discover how to get funding, go to festivals, build relationships with producers, and copyright your script in the UK and the US 

For more information, go to the website:





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